March 17, 2021 Delivery WG Call Notes
Action Items
- Zac: Finish charter and send link to the JTC SC
Zac, Jeff, Brian, Kara, Jonathan, Chris, Ashley
- February Action Item Review
- Workgroup Charter
- Session 7 Agenda Review
- Delivery WG 2021 Workplan Progress Review (see workplan below)
Call Notes
February Action Items
- Zac, Jeff, Kara, Jonathan: Finalize agenda for March 9 ADA/508 compliance webinar; status: done
- Zac, Jeff, Ashley, Kara, Jonathan: Finalize agenda for March 23 delivery webinar; status: done
- Jeff: review MJO course needs assessments and engage WG to figure how to summarize the information; status: ongoing
- All: consider how to combine the course material status and demand to identify instructors and SMEs; status: ongoing
- Zac: send EPA course material catalog to the group: Relative Age of Courses | MJO Updated Courses | Course Master List; status: done
- All: review workgroup charter and be prepared to discuss on the next call; status: TBD
- Zac: add online delivery contract language up on the wiki as a reso
Workgroup Charter
- WG charter: should be define the scope of the coursework? are we talking about just the contract courses, or broader application; add a sentence all types including contracting, and NOWCC
- Benefits of online training
- Do we include training trainers in the scope? No, we’ve moved to explicitly stating in the contracts what we need from the trainers for online training
- EPA is handling the training of the NOWCC instructors; how do we plan to train them? Can we get to a place where the training coordinators don’t need to be on the webinar the entire time?
- States haven’t had too many issues with online training; this applies to instructors who primarily did classroom training only;
- Doesn’t cover training the trainers on virtual training
- Action Zac incorporate and send to SC co-leads
JTC Session 7: Using Data to Improve Delivery
- Objectives: convey best practices resources, demonstration data for decision making, convey instructors list and needs, get MJOs to agree on an approach for course needs survey; instructor recruitment from
- Chris: time-keeper; facilitator: Zac, note taker: Jeff
- Zac: send final agenda to Jonathan
- Put best practices last to include Sarah and Justin
- Need to get this on the LMS (Jonathan)
- Communication about the session: discuss on call tomorrow
Task 1: RFP Template
- Task Purpose: to give MJOs and funding agencies language to use for hiring training contractors to teach instructor-lead, online courses
- Further develop the draft contract language for instructor-lead online training
- Due Date: 1Q 2021
- Status: Complete
- Deliverable: JTC Online training resources for course organizers
Task 2: ADA/508 Compliance Support
- Task Purpose: to survey the current state of the training program, identify current activities, and plan for future accommodations for ADA/508 issues
- Organize a session for the JTC meeting series on ADA/508 compliance issues in training; including an informational/training session for MJO and state training coordinators
- Develop a white paper that describes how the national air pollution training program is addressing ADA/508 compliance
- Due Date: JTC Session (1Q 2021), White Paper (2Q 2021), Training (3Q/4Q 2021)
- Status: JTC Sessions complete; begin work on white paper
Task 3: Instructors/SME List
- Task Purpose: to identify current and prospective instructors for the national training program
- Develop a memo with the inventory of current, active instructors
- Develop and release an RFQ to the MJOs to build up the instructor list for key curriculum areas
- Due Date: 1Q 2021
- Status: Complete
- Deliverable: Subject Matter Expert List (Dec 2020)
Task 4: Evaluations
- Task Purpose: to implement standardized evaluations and to understand how to collect data for evaluating the effectiveness of the training program
- Promote the use of a standardized evaluation instrument across the training program
- Work with LMS to implement the new training instruments: classroom and online
- Research key performance indicators (KPIs) for training programs, and identify how to use data to measure the impacts of the training program
- Draft an instructor/SME/auditor evaluation instrument (date?)
- Due Date: Evaluation (1Q 2021); KPIs (4Q 2021)
- Status: Course evaluation implemented in new LMS; instructor’s evaluation is pending
Task 5: Training Delivery Lifecycle
- Task Purpose: apply a holistic approach to understand the training delivery lifecycle (from initial demand through post-training evaluations
- Develop a conceptual framework of training delivery
- Use the framework to identify how to partner with training stakeholders and leverage resources across the JTC
- Use the framework to identify holes or weaknesses in the training delivery process (gap analysis)
- Due Date: 4Q 2021
- Status: draft lifecycle conceptual model developed by Jeff G. (December 16, 2020); see update lifecyle document from Chris (reforward to Zac)