National Air Pollution Training Program
This Wiki is for use by the members of the National Air Pollution Training Program Collaborative to facilitate communication and documentation of their activities on the review and development of training materials for the National Air Pollution Training Program. This Program supports the training of federal, state, local, and tribal air agency staff by maintaining a library of course materials on different subjects related to air pollution management.
The initial scope of this Collaborative is to organize into expertise teams with the charge of maintaining the materials for different training subject matter areas. The teams will review all course materials on a regular schedule and facilitate updates to the materials, as needed. In addition, there are many courses in the Program curriculum that are underutilized. The teams will review the courses in the curriculum and recommend removing and/or consolidating courses in order to streamline the task of managing the course materials. The expertise teams will work independently and in parallel on reviewing the course materials in their subject area in pursuit of creating recommendations and priorities for how to improve the materials within their domain. A coordination committee will provide logistical support and facilitation to the expertise teams as they move toward the goal of fully updated course materials to support the training demands of state/local/tribal air agencies.
Subject Matter Areas
The course materials are divided into the following subject matter areas, with several courses included in each area.
- Permitting
- Monitoring
- Inspections
- Source Monitoring
- Hazardous Air Pollutants
- Modeling
- Planning
- Emissions Inventories
- Special/Industrial Categories
Expertise Teams
Team membership will include two co-leads. One co-lead will be from EPA, the other will be from a state agency or an MJO. The co-leads must be experts in the subject matter area and be well-connected in the national community for that area. The co-leads will recruit additional team members, as needed, to support the course material review. The teams will initially meet monthly in order to quickly develop priorities and recommendations for improvements of the course materials. This wiki will be used to document the progress of the work within each team.