October 21, 2020 Delivery WG Call Notes
Action Items
Zac, Brian, Chris, Kara, Ashley, Jonathan, Sarah
- Instructors list next steps
- Evaluation next steps
- ADA compliance update and next steps
Call Notes
ADA Compliance
- Resources from EPA: how to make a PPT compliant, and how to make a training compliant; it’s a broad requirement
- Checklist
- EPA 508 compliance website
- GSA 508 compliance website
- Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU.org)
- Compliance risk Issues
- Accessibility
- Legal liability
- There’s a break for historic materials
- Good faith efforts, if historic, do our best to make compliant
- State of TX may be able to work with us on ADA information; program information and also have legal contacts who could give the states perspective
- Need to identify exactly what we would like
- What’s a good faith effort? EPA is migrating from APTI-Learn legacy self-instructional course work; working on making it more user friendly and minimally ADA compliant, e.g., alt text for screen readers
- EPA doesn’t have resources to update courses now, from content format or 508; 3-year plan will update courses on a priority basis
- Good faith: PDFs converted into a more useable format, some are 450 pages from 1982 and not able to work on
- Self-instructional
- NOWCC materials - if a course is slated to be updated as part of the 3-year plan, EPA will make course 508 compliant
- Delivery (live instruction) - what efforts are being made in that regard, is there a check list or best practices?
- APTI-Learn - need to get instructors to update materials for ADA compliance
- Can we distinguish what metadata should be available for ADA compliance of materials?
- Have to provide an alt if the materials aren’t compliant, even if it’s just a phone number
- Compliance areas:
- Materials: self-instructional, NOWCC, APTI
- Delivery: screen readers and captioning in online delivery platforms
- Need a separate session on ADA compliance at fall meeting, sooner than later
- Good faith principles to govern the updates
- Can we update the materials with interns, rather than contractors?
- What’s the information that we need to lay out for the training programs and coordinators; what’s the plan?
- CenSARA hired a TCEQ employee, ex-training coord, teaches PPT for CenSARA; she teaches ADA compliance, understands what the states are doing and knows compliance
- If there is a need for a legal contact, TCEQ can help