Find majority county coverage in model grid cells
How do I figure out which grid cells (x, y) contain any part of the Chicago ozone nonattainment area?
Use a GIS to find the counties that intersect the model grid cells.
1. Create a shapefile of the 12US2 modeling grid (396x246)
Use the [Spatial Allocator] raster tools to create the shapefile. See generateGridShapefile.csh script as an example.
setenv GRID_PROJ "+proj=lcc +a=6370000.0 +b=6370000.0 +lat_1=33 +lat_2=45 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-97" setenv GRID_ROWS 246 setenv GRID_COLUMNS 396 setenv GRID_XMIN -2412000.0 setenv GRID_YMIN -1620000.0 setenv GRID_XCELLSIZE 12000 setenv GRID_YCELLSIZE 12000 setenv GRID_SHAPEFILE_NAME ../output/conus_12US2.shp ../bin/64bits/create_gridPolygon.exe
2. Add X Y columns to the shapefile
1. Load the CONUS12 shapefile into QGIS. 2. Open the attribute table, put the file in edit mode, and add two short integer columns: X and Y 3. Apply the following field calculator formulas, in this order (calculate Y first), to calculate X and Y; note that 396 = NCOLS
Y = (floor(("GRIDID"-1)/396)+1) X = "GRIDID"-("Y"-1)*396
3. Add X Y columns to the shapefile
Use the QGIS Intersect function to find the dominant county in each grid cell.
1. Load a county shapefile into QGIS
2. Put the county shapefile and model grid shapefile on the same coordinate system
3. Use Vector->Geoprocessing Tools->Intersection to intersect the two features. The grid shapefile is the Input Layer; the county shapefile is the Intersect Layer