LADCO participates in air quality research projects to improve our understanding of air pollution science in the Great Lakes region.

We partner with federal research labs, universities, non-governmental organizations, and private companies to design and execute air quality research projects. Identifying and addressing knowledge gaps in the science of air pollution, finding new ways to gather and analyze atmospheric data, and improving the interface between science and policy are the types of projects in which we typically engage.

Schematic of applied science comparing the differences in air quality projects in the scientific and planning domains.

LADCO engages in both basic and translational research projects.  Our basic research projects generally focus on improving our understanding of the physical and chemical drivers of air pollution, enhancing how we simulate pollution emissions processes, and developing new data analysis techniques.  We are also involved as collaborators on applied research projects to represent the perspectives of air quality planning agencies. In these translational projects, LADCO works in the interface between science and policy to translate communication and objectives across the two spaces.

Click the study name below to expand/collapse the menu for highlights of current and recent air quality projects in which LADCO has been involved.

Ozone Projects

Regional Haze Projects

Linking Surface Monitors, Satellite Data, and Emissions Inventories to Investigate Regional Haze Trends in the Eastern U.S.

Particulate Matter Projects

Emissions Projects

Other Projects

Interested in collaborating with LADCO  on research projects?

LADCO both funds projects and participates as a collaborator on sponsored-research projects.  Keep an eye on LADCO’s Request for Proposals page for funding opportunities with LADCO.

Contact the LADCO Executive Director about partnering on air quality research and applications projects with LADCO.