U.S. EPA 2016 Air Quality Modeling Performance Evaluation Collaborative
U.S. EPA OAQPS is running CMAQ and CAMx to simulate 2016 and future year air quality using emissions developed for the National Emissions Modeling Collaborative. A collaborative of federal/regional/state/local/tribal air agency scientists and planners was created to review and evaluate the 2016 modeling results. This page provides a portal to static model performance evaluation (MPE) plots and interactive web pages for probing the modeling results.
Heather Simon (EPA), Amanda Brimmer (RAQC), Wyat Appel (EPA), Ashley Kung (FL), Lance Avey (EPA), Ben Cordes (KY), Leiran Biton (EPA), Carol Bohnenkamp (EPA), Bonyoung Koo (BAAQMD), Byeong-Uk Kim (GA), Daniella Lopez (CT), Doug Boyer (TX), Elliot Tardif (NC), Emily Bull (MD), Eric Zalewsky (NY), Alison Eyth (EPA), Kristen Foley (EPA), Forest Cook (BLM), Gil Grodzinsky (GA), Rick Gillam (EPA), Greg Quina (SC), Christian Hogrefe (EPA), Robert Imhoff (EPA), Jeff Underhill (NH), Jeremy Avise (CA), Jim Boylan (GA), Jin-Sheng Lin (VA), Joey Huang (NC), John Hornback (METRO4/SESARM), Jon McClung (WV), Ken Santlal (MA), Kevin Briggs (CO), Kiernan Wholean (CT), Shannon Koplitz (EPA), Bob Kotchenruther (EPA), Kristen Stumpf (VA), Kristin Salimeno (CT), Leigh Bacon (AL), Leslie Poff (KY), Jennifer Liljegren (EPA), Margaret McCourtney (MN), Mark Derf (IN), Mark Janssen (LADCO), Mark Reynolds (TN), Mathew Hollinger (IN), Rebecca Matichuk (EPA), Michael Geigert (CT), Mike Barna (NPS), Mike Sonenberg (AZ), Mike Woodman (MD), Chris Misenis (EPA), Sharon Phillips (EPA), Norm Possiel (EPA), Robbie Brown (SC), Rodney Cuevas (MS), Rong Li (ID), Shawn Roselle (EPA), Saffet Tanrikulu (BAAQMD), Sang-Mi Lee (SCAQMD), “Shane He (NJ), Shantha Daniel (TX), Erik Snyder (EPA), Taejoo Shin (AZ MAG), Tesfamichael Ghidey (WA), Tim Marin (AL), Tom Moore (WESTAR/WRAP), Tom Richardson (OK), Gail Tonnesen (EPA), Jeff Vukovich (EPA), Wei Zhang (ID), Winston Hao (EPA), Zac Adelman (LADCO), Margaret Zawacki (EPA), Zheng Li (Clark Co, NV), KJ Liao (GA), Luke Valin (EPA) , Jim Szykman (EPA)
Analysis Products
US EPA 2016beta Air Quality Modeling Configuration
Description of the Model Performance Evaluation Plots
Static MPE Plots
The following types of plots are available as static images in the LADCO image viewer.
National Statistical Tile Plot (example: CAMx AQS NO2 Normalized Mean Bias)
National/Seasonal Network Statistics Map (example: CMAQ U.S. Summer MDA8 O3 Normalized Mean Bias)
Regional/Monthly O3 Boxplots (example: East-North Central U.S. CASTNet 1-hour Max O3 Concentrations)
Regional/Seasonal Timeseries (example: CAMx East-North Central U.S. Summer AQS 1-hour Max O3)
Regional/Seasonal Binned Scatterplot (example: CAMx Central U.S. Summer AQS Hourly O3)
Regional/Seasonal Density Scatterplot (example: CAMx Central U.S. Summer AQS Hourly O3)
Regional/Seasonal Skill Scatterplot (example: CAMx Central U.S. Summer AQS Hourly O3)
Regional/Seasonal Network Statistics Map (example: CAMx West U.S. Summer 1-hour Max O3)
Interactive HTML
The following types of plots are available as interactive HTML pages.
National/Seasonal Network Statistics Map (example: CAMx U.S. Summer MDA8 O3 Normalized Mean Bias)
Regional/Seasonal Network Statistics Map (example: CMAQ Central U.S. Summer NO2 Root Mean Square Error)
Regional/Seasonal Daily O3 Boxplot (example: CAMx Northeast U.S. Summer AQS Network MDA8 O3)
Regional/Seasonal Daily O3 Timeseries (example: CMAQ Northeast U.S. Summer CASTNet Network MDA8 O3)
Site-specific Daily O3 Timeseries (example: CMAQ Rocky Flats North, CO MDA8 O3)