LADCO is a regional hub for technical guidance and information on meteorology, emissions, and air pollution.
The air quality modeling and monitoring data produced by LADCO are used to support compliance and policy decisions by our member state air agencies.

We provide technical support to our member states in the following areas:
- Air Quality Monitoring
- Meteorology Modeling
- Emissions Inventories and Modeling
- Chemistry-Transport Modeling
- Ambient Monitoring Network Support
- High Performance, Scientific Computing
- Data Analysis
- Atmospheric Science
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- SIP Support
SIP Technical Support
States must periodically submit information to the U.S. EPA that demonstrates the existence, effectiveness and future plans of the state air quality management programs. State Implementation Plans (SIPs) are a Clean Air Act requirement in which states show the EPA that they have the infrastructure to address air pollution problems and, if there is a problem, how it will be mitigated by a future date. LADCO works with our member states to generate technical support documents (TSDs) with scientific information that demonstrates a “weight-of-evidence” to support the air quality management plans presented in their SIPs. LADCO coordinates directly with our member states to design and develop the air quality data and analyses included in our TSDs.
Monitoring Network Plans
Monitoring network plans are due to the EPA every five years to demonstrate the adequacy of the network of surface monitors in a state for identifying air pollution problems. The networks must be sufficient for providing data that the state and stakeholders can act on to minimize the impacts of air pollution. We collaborate with our member states on the design and development of the periodic monitoring network plans. The technical information provided on the monitoring network coverage by LADCO is used by our member states to make decisions on how to optimize the locations of air pollution monitors for statutory compliance and for understanding the air quality conditions in our region.
Air Pollution Research
LADCO both produces technical air quality data in-house and we work with contractors to generate analyses that are relevant to the policy goals of the LADCO states. We also serve as a liaison between the air pollution research community and our member state air programs. By ensuring that our member states are aware and understand the latest technical information on air pollution, we enable decisions that are based on current and best scientific practices. Conversely, by translating the policy needs of our member state air programs to air pollution researchers, we advocate for applied science innovations that support data-driven air quality planning.