LADCO 2024 Annual Business Meeting

September 24-27, 2024 Rosemont, IL

OLC Education and Conference Center
9400 W Higgins Rd Ste 100, Rosemont, IL 60018

Schedule and Meeting Links

Wednesday, September 25Air DirectorsAgenda (details)
Thursday, September 26Technical Oversight CommitteeAgenda (details)
Friday, September 27Training CommitteeAgenda (details)Part 1 | Part 2

Meeting Details

Day 1: Wednesday September 25 – LADCO Air Directors

Meeting Objectives and Agenda

  • Understand the financial health of LADCO and review the plan for our technical work over the next year, and discuss if LADCO is well-positioned to meet the needs of our members 
  • Discuss current and emerging state air program planning requirements with US EPA OAQPS and Region 5 leadership 
  • Advance state air program understanding of EJ requirements/expectations in planning 
  • Identify opportunities to work across states to meet ozone, PM2.5, and regional haze planning goals 
  • Develop strategy/priorities for LADCO to support state planning efforts for 2025 

Day 1 Agenda

Time (CST)TopicSession Lead(s)
7:30 – 9:00Breakfast and Networking
7:45Welcome, Roll, and Agenda ReviewAnnette Switzer, MI EGLE
LADCO Board Chair
8:00LADCO Business Update and FY2024-25 Work Plan 
Director’s Report Slides (PDF)
Zac Adelman
LADCO Executive Director
9:00US EPA Technical Updates and Discussion
Presentation Slides (PDF)
Chet Wayland, EPA OAQPS
10:15PM and O3 NAAQS attainment planning and compliance
LADCO Technical Discussion Slides (PDF)
Zac Adelman, LADCO
noonLunch Presentation: 2024 Air Quality and Emissions Trends Report
LADCO 2024 Trends Report (PDF)
Angie Dickens, LADCO
Mark Janssen, LADCO
1:00EJ and Title VI Discussion with US EPA John Mooney, EPA Region 5
2:30Open Discussion
3:30State-Only Meeting
6:00Group Dinner @ Crust Brewing

Day 1 Agenda Details

LADCO Business Update and FY2024-25 Work Plan 

  • Participants: LADCO Board and Executive Director
  • LADCO Director’s Update, FY24 year in review; looking forward to FY25  

EPA Presentation on Technical Updates 

  • Presenters: Chet Wayland (EPA OAQPS)  
  • Monitoring system plans and updates, including 5-year monitoring network review, and 103 grant budget projections for PM2.5 monitoring 
  • EPA modeling for regional haze and the PM2.5 NAAQS 
  • Final updated Air Emissions Report Rule 
  • Open conversation touching on the following topics 
  • PM2.5 monitoring funding (CAA section 103) 
  • Sensors 
  • EPA technical guidance and the overturned Chevron decision 
  • NAAQS and regional haze planning technical support 

O3 and PM2.5 NAAQS Attainment Planning and Compliance 

  • Facilitator: Zac Adelman 
  • O3 and PM planning timelines review 
  • Meaningful engagement 
  • Designations 
  • Monitoring requirements 
  • Modeling requirements and SIPs 
  • Permitting and enforcement, including modeling guidance and SIL updates 
  • Precursor demonstrations 
  • Considerations for upcoming designations, opportunities to communicate with U.S. EPA 
  • Exceptional event analyses to impact designations  
  • Lessons from previous PM NAAQS attainment planning in the Great Lakes region 
  • Ozone planning topics 
  • Discussion about bump ups coming in late 2024/early 2025 
  • NOx and VOC emissions reductions 

Air Quality and Emissions Trends in 2024 

  • Participants: Angie Dickens and Mark Janssen 
  • Trends in air quality and emissions through September 2024 

EJ and Title VI Discussion with US EPA 

  • Participants: LADCO Board + John Mooney (EPA R5) 
  • EPA guidance review 
  • How to incorporate EJ into air program activities: permitting and enforcement, SIPs, communication, monitoring plans, others? 
  • Filling in the gaps: what the state air programs need from EPA to enable effective EJ and Title VI activities 
  • Cumulative impacts 
  • Legislation in states 
  • Policy and planning applications: permitting, SIPs, regional haze, monitoring
  • Hear from EPA and states on EJ considerations in planning, such as 105 planning, SIPs, monitoring, and enforcement
  • Meaningful engagement for communities
  • How are compliance and enforcement actions playing out in EJ communities 

Open Discussion with EPA Staff 

  • Participants: LADCO Air Directors and EPA 

States-Only Meeting 

  • Open discussion between LADCO member state staff 
  • Debrief on meeting discussions 
  • Identify follow-up or action items 
  • Develop priorities for LADCO and the TOC over the next year 

Day 2: Thursday September 26 – Technical Oversight Committee

Meeting Objectives and Agenda

  • Plan LADCO technical work during 2025 
  • Define LADCO’s role in upcoming ozone, PM2.5, and regional haze planning 
  • Identify key dates and interaction periods for regional air quality planning in the next year 
  • Review ozone and PM2.5 exceptional event requirements, and develop a plan to pursue demonstrations to exclude regulatory significant data 

Day 2 Agenda

Time (CST)TopicSession Lead(s)
8:00Breakfast and Networking
8:30Welcome, Roll, and Agenda ReviewZac Adelman, LADCO
8:45PM2.5 NAAQS Attainment Planning, Compliance, Precursor Analyses 
LADCO Technical Discussion Slides (PDF)
Zac Adelman, LADCO
11:00Regional Haze Planning Zac Adelman, LADCO
11:30LADCO Workgroup UpdateZac Adelman, LADCO
Lunch Presentation: Speciated PM2.5 and Emissions Trends
LADCO 2024 Speciation Trends Report (PDF)
Angie Dickens, LADCO
1:00Ozone NAAQS Attainment Planning and Emissions Controls Zac Adelman, LADCO
2:00Exceptional Events Zac Adelman, LADCO
3:00Chicago Summer Field Campaign Update 
AGES+ Campaign Update (PDF) 
Angie Dickens, LADCO
4:00Mobile and Stationary Source Emissions: Expected impacts of recent federal regulatory programs 
5:00States Only: Meeting debrief and LADCO priority setting 
6:00Group Dinner @ Bub City – Rosemont

Day 2 Agenda Details

PM2.5 NAAQS Attainment Planning, Compliance, Precursor Emissions Controls 

  • Participants:  TOC and US EPA R5 
  • Review the PM2.5 NAAQS attainment planning schedule 
  • PM2.5 NAAQS compliance discussion: what will be the key requirements with permitting, monitoring, enforcement, modeling, and SIPs; including exceptional events planning 
  • Training needs for agency staff 
  • Actions to be taken between now and the designations in 2025 
  • Urban increment analysis, and precursor significance testing 
  • Recommendations to the Air Directors 

Regional Haze Planning 

  • Participants:  TOC and US EPA R5 
  • Review the 3rd haze implementation period planning schedule 
  • Coordination among the states on planning strategies for the 3rd implementation period 
  • Discuss a need for communication to the U.S. EPA about consensus opinion from the region 5 states on how the 3rd implementation period should proceed 
  • Recommendations to the Air Directors 

LADCO Workgroup Update 

  • Review line-up of LADCO workgroups and develop priorities

Speciated Air Quality and Emissions Trends in 2023-24 

  • Participants: Angie Dickens  
  • Trends in speciated PM2.5 through August 2024 

O3 NAAQS Attainment Planning and Precursor Emissions Controls 

  • Participants: TOC and US EPA R5 
  • Review ozone planning schedule through the next attainment date in August 2027 
  • Coordination among the states on emissions control strategy development 
  • LADCO work plan to support attainment efforts 
  • Emissions inventory and control option analysis 
  • Analysis of NOx emissions from different sectors and a discussion on emissions control programs 
  • What are states doing for emissions controls? Are you writing regs? Anything beyond the federal requirements Are there regional control strategies that are needed 
  • Are there federal enforcement efforts or emissions strategies that LADCO and/or members could request from the US EPA? 
  • IRA opportunities  
  • Recommendations to the Air Directors  

Exceptional Events 

  • Participants:  TOC and US EPA R5 
  • Review the ozone and PM2.5 monitoring data and LADCO EE screening results for 2023 and 2024 
  • Understand regulatory significance for the annual PM2.5 standard 
  • Identify where LADCO should be putting resources for ozone and PM applications 
  • Recommendations to the Air Directors 

Chicago Summer Field Campaign 

  • Presenter/facilitator: Angie Dickens 
  • Review results and insights from the LADCO summer 2023 field study 
  • How can these results be used to inform ozone and PM planning  

Mobile and Stationary Source Emissions: Expected impacts of recent federal regulatory programs 

  • Presenter/facilitator: Zac Adelman 
  • A look at the Biden administrations docket of rules, with estimates of how these rules will impact criteria pollutant emissions in the LADCO region 
  • Discussion on how to consider these federal rules on PM and ozone planning activities in the region 

States-Only Meeting 

  • Open discussion between LADCO member state staff 

Day 3: Friday September 27 – LADCO Training Committee

Meeting Objectives and Agenda

  • Meet the other training coordinators in the LADCO region 
  • Learn about recent training program development activities at the US EPA 
  • Identify resources that could help us do our jobs more effectively 
  • Formulate a draft training plan for FY25 
  • Identify how we can support the LADCO members with EJ and Title VI work 

Day 3 Agenda

Time (CST)TopicSession Lead(s)
8:30Breakfast and Networking
9:00Welcome, Roll, and Agenda Review
LADCO Training Committee Discussion Slide (PDF)
Zac Adelman, LADCO
9:15LADCO Training Committee Hangout: meet-and-greet for the training coordinators; share best practices   
10:30Emerging Training Needs: what do we anticipate will be needed for training over the next year, and what topics are not well covered in the existing training program Zac Adelman, LADCO
NoonEPA Training Updates: Activities at OAQPS and Region 5 to support state/local air program training Angie Dickens, LADCO
1:00FY2024 Regional Training Plan Zac Adelman, LADCO
3:00Training Operations @ LADCO Zac Adelman, LADCO

Day 3 Agenda Details

LADCO Training Committee Hangout 

  • Meet and greet 
  • Discuss best practices for surveying staff on training needs: what works?  
  • Work-training balance: how do you balance your day job responsibilities with your training coordinator role? Project management tips or favorite tools?  
  • Internal training: what does each state offer and how do you make the courses interesting? How do you find speakers?  
  • Performance indicators: how do you measure the success/gaps in your training program?  

Emerging Training Needs 

  • Brainstorm on the topics that will need to be available for training in the coming 1-3 years 
  • Discussion on emerging logistical and delivery needs for training 
  • Discuss state air program EJ and training needs  

US EPA Training Updates 

  • Meet the US EPA training staff 
  • Get a tour of 
  • Learn about US EPA’s 3-year training plan 
  • Q&A/Open discussion  

FY2025 Regional Training Plan 

  • Review the results of the annual training needs assessment  
  • Identify areas of common interest/need 
  • Prioritize the responses for each state 
  • Formulate a draft training plan for FY24 

Training Operations @ LADCO 

  • How to find what courses are available: course catalog 
  • How to schedule courses: US EPA LMS and the LADCO Training Committee 
  • How to manage training funds: the LADCO budget spreadsheet 
  • How request travel and registration 
  • Expense reimbursements 
  • Internal training support