LADCO collaborates with the state air agencies in the region to improve air quality.

Our mission is to provide sound technical assistance to the LADCO member states on problems of urban to regional-scale air quality; and to provide a forum for the member states to discuss air quality issues.



LADCO’s core values


Provide technically sound and defensible information to the LADCO state air programs.
Work at the intersection of public health policy and air pollution science in ways that support innovation in how technical information is used to support public policy decisions.
Knowledge Building
Facilitate the transfer of technical skills and information to build capacity at state air agencies for fulfilling their missions.
Stay informed about emerging information on air pollution policy and science.
Open Communication
Exist as an organization that supports the free flow of ideas and information within LADCO and between LADCO and our member states.
Gain perspective on how the range of stakeholders in the region use technical information to understand the sources and controls of air pollution.