LADCO 2022 WRF Modeling Results

This page provides access to model performance evaluation plots of the LADCO WRF simulations for 2022.  The results are displayed for a national 12-km and a Great Lakes regional 4-km domain. Many of the plots show model-to-observations comparisons and model performance statistics.


LADCO developed 2022 WRF meteorology inputs for regional air quality modeling studies. We ran a series of WRF configuration sensitivities to find the best performing configuration for simulating air quality. Our evaluation is focusing on WRF’s skill at simulating surface temperature, moisture, and winds.  We are also evaluating the ability of the model at capturing the land-lake breeze along the shores of Lake Michigan.

LADCO 2022 WRF Sensitivity Namelist Options


LADCO WRF 2022 Modeling Protocol | Response to Comments

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